Entertainment company offering a variety of services including communications & strategy consulting, producing, media training, and traditional PR. EME produces results at the intersection of strategic storytelling, memorable experiences, and cultivating connection through community.
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"I'm not a writer." "Yes, you are."

“I’m not a writer.” “Yes, you are.”

Magic is limitless ✨

**Originally dated October 20th, 2023

Hiya, my magical friend! How are you? I am ready for a nap! Lots of great things have been popping up, and my calendar has been filled to the brim. But between the news, the current state of global affairs, and everything I have agreed to do, it's taking a toll.

So I am tapping into my intuition. I canceled my tarot workshop - my system asked for rest, so I listened to her. It wasn't what my heart wanted to do, but I chose to heed that intuitive information. And the energy that I conserved made a difference in the rest of my week. 

But of course, we are still pulling a card! 

So, onto the tarot with…

The Fool 🦋

Deck: Dalí Tarot

My dear friend Ava gifted me this deck and I rarely use it. The imminence of Scorpio season has me feeling like it's the right fit. 

The Fool is the zero, the numberless number, the void, the space for possibility. This card technically exists outside of both Arcanas, and is the one who takes the journey. The Hero's Journey. The Fool's Enlightenment. The Human Spirit's Evolution.

They are the ones who seek out the adventure, who choose to go to this school called Earth/Life. The one who asks for growth. It's you.

This is the beginning of a journey, an opportunity to let possibilities reveal themselves to you. The canvas is blank. The world is your oyster. What will you do with it?

Seriously, if you had every and any possibility available to you - I'm talking totally limitless - what would you do?

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